Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Breakin it down for ya

(Ok, so this is posted a little late, just catching up on posting some older stuff!)

I'm stepping outside my normal bounds today, and I'll be breaking down the two NFL championship matchups.
Colts Vs Patriots
What at first seems like a no-brainer, gets more interesting as you look deeper. It seems the Patriots have a clear advantage over the Colts. The Patriots are bipedal mammals. Have weapons (albeit old, antiquated muskets). And at one time, were the world's greatest army. Easy win, right?
The Colts however, have a tremendous speed advantage. And, if they stick together as a team, they may just pull of their famed "Stampede" play (I'd like to see you reload a musket in the middle of a stampede). Also, many of the experts factor out the messy field conditions. Think about it, have you ever seen a herd of horses "hold it in" for two+ hours? Me either.
All-in-all, while the pundits are letting their "loyalist" side show by sticking with the Pats, my money is on the Colts.
Saints vs Bears
I don't know how the NFL is allowing this to happen. Honestly. Ferocious, flesh/meat eating animals vs holy dudes in robes. Add to that, doesn't one have to be older than Bloede to even be considered for the Saints?! The Saints do have one shot though. They've got an AMAZING coach. He did create the world after all. Then there was that whole "then there was light" episode. If the Coach is on His game this weekend, the old guys just might pull it off. Still, I'm taking the team with claws and fangs.


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