Tuesday, February 20, 2007

A Sad and Tragic Realization

With all the excitement surrounding the Colts first Super Bowl appearance since moving to Indy, many people are overlooking the tragedy to follow: No more football until August.
For those of us who are pretty much "football only" life pretty much stinks in the off-season. What other options do we have?
College basketball: Eh. It's become too much like the NBA. It's decent for maybe killing a part of a Saturday afternoon, but that's about it.
NBA: No. Nope. Ain't happenin. I'm not sure what's more sickening: the "it's all about me" players or the fact that these multi-millionaires can no longer beat third world countries in a game that WE INVENTED!
Baseball: Ok, I know I'm on thin ice here, but I can't stand the game. Let the batter keep the bat. Make outs like kickball - ya gotta get hit with the ball. Score bench-clearing brawls like a boxing match. Something. Please! Nothing like cramming 10 minutes of action into 3 hours.
Golf: So, this one has hope. Primarily due to it's tremendous ability to put you to sleep for that much coveted Sunday afternoon nap!
Hockey: This still a sport?
So, enjoy Sunday. Revel in it. Soak up all the yummy, football goodness that is the NFL. Because pitchers adjusting themselves and Shaq bricking free-throws is gonna make for a long off-season.


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