Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Freedom of choice, as long as you choose what we want

I love hypocrisy. I do. Last week the same folks that have been "cleaning up our airwaves" had a brilliant idea. They want to have cable TV change to a system where you only purchase the station you want. Reason: no one would have to watch anything they found offensive. (Has anyone told these retards that a system for that already exists? It's called a remote control...but I digress)
So, they pushed their little agenda until, lo and behold, someone had a scary thought: no one would buy their shitty religious channels. CRAP!!
I could actually hear the far-right special interest groups frantically trying to click the undo button. I haven't seen anyone backpedal this fast since Wiley Coyote realized the rock was coming back his way.


At 10:28 PM, Blogger KyuBall said...

"I haven't seen anyone backpedal this fast since Wiley Coyote realized the rock was coming back his way."

Pure GOLD!


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